Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The Bush Auditorium?

So, my sister called me today from the Superior Dome and said "I was just four feet from President Bush!" Then she started to tear up a little. I must say I am quite proud that we have another potential Republican in the family. My parents raised us to be good strict followers of the Ummm...Politics? Party. It's not that they are misinformed hicks, just that they don't get into politics all that much. As for me, it's like Grant would say: "You're a Democrat in Republican clothing." He's partly right. I have some left wing views on abortion, gay rights, and a few other social issues. I don't however, support a lot of the tactics of "tax and spend liberals" to fund a lot of sometimes unneccessary social programs. In the end though, my alliance lies solely with Bush. I did read a little blurb about the visit on Fox News.com, and saw a quote from one of the NMU Poly-Sci professors, Robert Kulishek. How you can ask a Northern professor about a)politics, b)George W. Bush, c)Republicans in general, and you don't include Dr. William Ball? How? He could have made a comment along the lines of:

"People generally vote Democrat in the U.P. because they are stupid. I don't know what the hell's wrong with 'em! Maybe enough of these inbreds will be impressed enough that Bush visited here and "Plasticface" Kerry didn't, that they'll change their minds. I gotta go have a smoke."

I love that guy. Also in that article, they reffered to the Superior Dome, probably the largest structure, capacity wise, in the U.P. as a "wooden domed auditorium." Excuse my language, but they play effin' football in there!! They don't call Lambeau Field an outdoor green-colored auditorium. They don't call Ford Field an effin' gym, do they?!?! I think they need to fire the Superior Audito... I mean Dome's P.R. guy (assuming such a position exists), post haste!

For me it was just another day of looking for part time jobs and reading news stories on the internet. You know, this isn't a bad life. What was that? No money. Oh yeah. Buzzkill. Talked to a good friend who is in the hospital today for surgery. She has to have more procedures done tomorrow and will probably be in MGH until Friday. Makes me feel lucky that I haven't had any invasive procedures in a while. Had a bit of a scare yesterday, as Matt and I were helping a neighbor move a very large (and very expensive) new TV. I had to readjust my grip and, to make a long story short, heard my hip "pop." I'm not sure how bad it was, but thankfully it feels better all ready so I'm not too worried. Last night however, it hurt like hell (like "only can sleep on one side" hurt like hell.)

Well guys, sorry about not being very humorous lately. I've been writing posts earlier in the day and for some reason, I'm just not very funny at this time of the day. You'll also noticed that I put some links on the sidebar. I was trying to get a ticker to work over there with the temperature in different parts of Wisconsin, but screwed that one up bad. So, go to the links if you feel like it. I'll probably add more in the future.

I'm finished.


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