Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Quite a weekend for the Murray wedding boys as we partied in Bark River on Friday night, playing some poker and enjoying the company of Grant's buddies from back home. We spent the next evening in Marquette, taking in the local taverns and parties after the hockey game and a Wildcat sweep. Over all, it was a lot of beer drank, zero injuries and zero arrests. Not a bad way to spend a weekend.

Of course, the Patriots did lose on Saturday night. It's a bit maddening how the Patriots have a total of six turnovers in the three previous Super Bowl seasons combined, then they spring for five in one game on Saturday night. It didn't help that the league office was on the phone to the refs all night, trying to make sure that there was no chance the Colts would have to face Tom Brady again this year. "Hey, even if Champ Bailey fumbles the ball directly through the back of the endzone, DO NOT call it a touchback. Just give the Broncos the ball on the one yard line. Oh, and if the corners for the Pats come within a foot of the Denver recievers... throw a flag." I'm just so tired of the NFL season ending in disappointment for me. Oh, wait. Super Bowls XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX. Never mind, I'm good. Oh, and the Colts lost. The Peyton Manning Face is always a welcome sight.

Great quote: RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt said: "On a day when Americans are focused on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Hillary Clinton is focused on the legacy of Hillary Clinton." This is after Clinton made a point on MLK day to accuse the Republican led house of "being run like a plantation." Good for you, Hil-Rod. Just keep talking.

Next post will be a 100th post extravaganza.

I'm finished,

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Will there be food at this extravaganza? Because I started going to the gym which means I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. That IS what that means, right?

And it's Marenisco gall darnit! Named for one Mary Enid Scott. Yes, her middle name was Enid. And Marenisco was named after her. Ouch, double whammy.