Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Next stop, Christmas!

Another holiday is in the books for the year. You know the routine, eat with your family, watch football, and get a wee bit snockered in the process. At least that's me. Not this year, sunshine! Due to work schedules and my family's trek over the river and through the Lansing to visit my grandmother downstate, I was left kind of on an island. Luckily, Ashley's family was good enough to take in a Thanksgiving refugee to feed turkey and football to. This was my first Turkey day that I can remember when I haven't seen my family. Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve have always been sacred to me and the fact that I spent this last one away from John, Cindy, and T-Dogg kinda got me choked up.

On the bright side, I did get PAID for Thursday, even though it is my scheduled day off, putting my total hours for the week at 48. I love this paid holiday stuff, I'm not gonna lie to you.

Suddenly, I've forgotten how much I like snow. Absolutely not snow drifts and icy slush, I'm talking about that early winter snow that kinda floats ever so gently to the turf and makes streetlamps look glow with serenity. Apparently we are never going to get any white stuff here in the Fox Valley. This whole winter should seem like vacation for me after four long winters in the MQT. Bring it on, fool! Short one today. To quote one of my esteemed acquaintances and former roommates: "What? Green Bay is on Monday Night again? I hate the Packers."

I'm finished,

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