Friday, June 25, 2004

Sign here. Here. Here. Initial here.

Can you buy anything in these days without being asked for your discount card? Get this, I made purchases at 4 stores today, Waldenbooks, GameStop, Barnes & Noble, and Copp's Foods. Every time I checked out, "Do you have your Frequent Bookworm/ Game Nerd/ Fresh Produce Plus Card?" No, I just want to give you the money! And then leave! The pimply faced kid at GameStop actually said this, "By purchasing our 'Used Game Nerd Card' (or whatever it's called) for $10 you will save $2 off this used $10 DVD so you'll only actually pay $8!" No! I will pay $18! And they throw in 6 free issues of their exclusive gamer magazine, as if I don't already have enough to impress the ladies with. The only place I finally caved was at my favorite store, Lids ($5 to save 20% on all reularly priced hats.) Anyone who knows me and hats will know that's like giving a crackhead a Frequent Rock Purchase Discount Card.

Had my first day of "work" today, i.e. I signed a couple of contracts, blah, blah. Of course, I didn't read these contracts, and AFLAC may now own the rights to my first born child, but if it'll get me workin' again... The real heavy hitting starts on Monday apparently. Hope I feel better. I'm coming down with a strain of the Nate Virus, the one that doesn't make me deathly sick, but incapacitates me enough so I can't do shit. Gets me all the time. I'm treating it with OJ and left over antibiotics from the last time the Nate Virus was so bad I had to see a doctor. If that doesn't work, I'm going straight to dippin' snuff, like my man Kurtoris says. "Cures anything.", he says. The third contingency plan is Vodka. Let's hope it won't get to that.

I'm finished.

1 comment:

Ash said...

Hey Nate. So Jaime and I are just sitting here chatting. Jaime said, "Hey, Nate's blogger thing is hilarious. He should write a column for some paper or something." (that may or may not have been ad-libbed) I agree. You should talk to the Green Bay Gazette or Herald or something. You could make some money. Think about it. Peace out, Brotha.