Monday, March 07, 2005

The return.

Wow, if keeping a blog updated was a job in the military, this guy would be guilty of dereliction of duty. Seriously, Jack Nicholson would be ordering a Code Red for me right about now ("You can't HANDLE the truth!") I apologize, I know how may of you rely on my random witticisms and the like. OK, that's like none of you, but still.

Really, not a lot has gone on since I last posted. Other than the fact that the guy who played Bunz in "Booty Call" won an Oscar for best actor. It's fun to look back at every big name actor and realize that there was a time when they would do movies like "Booty Call." Speaking of Booty Call, an extensive look at movies with a predominantly African American cast shows that Vivica A. Fox and/or Nia Long is in approximately 79% of them. Just thought you should know.

I watched the last 20 minutes of "Devil's Advocate" last night for like the 50th time. There are some movies that I just can't leave alone. So for my entertainment, I am going to list the top 5 movies that I absolutely cannot skip over if I am channel surfing (Note: I do not include abominations like Goodfellas on network TV, as the edited for TV dialogue makes me want to... well, let's just say that I'd rather go buy a home colonscopy kit.)

1) Shawshank Redemption - This movie was on last week, I caught it at the beginning (right after Andy goes to prison), I had a ton of stuff to do, so what did I do? Yep. Watched the whole thing. Love that movie.

2) Out of Sight - Quite possibly the most underrated movie of all time. Ahhh, J.Lo when she could still act. J.Lo before she was doing duets with Ja Rule. Come to think of it, J.Lo before she was J.Lo, those were the days. 3) Devil's Advocate - Every time someone is making fun of the loud way Al Pacino talks: That is him at the end of this movie. My favorite Keanu movie not called "Matrix." It's got a message and the potentially horrifying scene at the end where Pacino wants Neo to have sex with his sister. Yikes. But, if you had seen his sister...

4) Bad Boys - You knew that was coming.

Sorry it's only four, but it is quittin time.

I'm finished,


Jaime said...

They had the Oscars already?????????????????? What? When? Who won? Next thing you're going to tell me is that the Super Bowl is over to, I bet...HOW DARE LIFE CONTINUE WITHOUT ME?

Jaime said...
