It's a lukewarm Friday in September when Nathan Holtslander pulls his Gutlass into Copp's Food Center #8111 to purchase some beer. He decides on a 24 pack of Busch Light, a refreshing light beer, not outrageously priced at $12.95. He then sees something out of the corner of his eye. Could it be? It is! A "Dirty Thirty!" A 30 pack of Busch Light, or as one of his former roommates and he called them: "The Hunter's Special." Nothing is quite as good as paying a dollar or two more for six extra beers. Nothing.
He saunters to the counter, the anticipation welling up inside of him. So many good memories had come and gone in his life that included a/some 30 pack(s.) He waves off the cashier when she asks for his Copp's card. He swipes his Visa Check Card (aka the coolest most functional thing in banking) without even taking his mind off the whimsical social gatherings of his youth. He signs for the beer and walks out the door, thinking that he has to remember to put the reciept in his checkbook. Glancing at said reciept he notices something ghastly.
What. The. F*&^!
This 30 Pack cost me $18.98! That's gotta be a typo, he thinks. He walks back into the store with purpose and finds a 30 pack display. There it is in black and white: $14.99! Wait... With your Copp's Card? Regular price on a 30 pack is $17.99?
Think about it: Five extra dollars for six more beers. Does that bother anyone else?
Right up there next to my belief that anyone that says: "I've got some quarters for you." should have to use seperate gas stations to keep them away from us good customers is my belief that a 30 pack should not average out to be more expensive (per can) than a 24 pack. That's just common sense! It ended up being $.06 more per beer to buy the 30 pack! What the heck, yo?
For the rationale we'll go to the pothead running the service desk: "Well, we raise the price and then put it on sale to encourage people to sign up for the Copp's Card." OK, just in case I didn't make myself abundantly clear:
I do not want a Copp's Card!
What a terrible way to run a flippin' business. It's like trying to trick people into getting that stupid card so they can sell your personal info to the highest bidder. Not me, sunshine!
Copp's and I have since settled out of court for a three dollar cash refund. I am currently enjoying a cold Busch Light. At 49.967 cents per can.
I'm finished.
1 comment:
Maybe you should be a smart shopper Nate. It's not Copps fault, it's yours. Everyone knows that you need a Copps card to get through life with any amount of dignity. I got two pints of blueberries for two dollars once. TWO DOLLARS! Think of the savings!
And 49.something is not alot to spend on beer. Especially a high quality liquid such as Busch Light.
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