Monday, November 02, 2009

35% Of Your Daily Sodium - October 2009

Once again, as a service to you, I've jotted down some brief thoughts on the prepackaged meals I happened to eat last month. That's good eatin'.

Oct 05, 2009 - Michelina's Shrimp Fried Rice - I had to break my "Never buy anything that costs less than $2 and involves seafood unless you are in a third world Asian nation where $2 is a weeks pay" Rule for this one. Not bad, actually. As far as shrimp quotient is concerned, I finally found out where all of the shrimp that are too small to qualify as salad shrimp go, but with a price tag of 2 for $3, it met my low expectations.

Oct 13, 2009 - Orv's Beef Pasty - This thing has two strikes against it from jump street. a) It's a pasty that is not made in the U.P. b) It's made by Orv's, the company that produces some of the most repugnant oven bake pizza I've ever had. So obviously, this is going to be terrible. Got a couple of bites in and realized... it wasn't that bad. At 6oz, it is embarrassingly small and nowhere near the quality of St. Charles, Jean Kay's, Dobber's, or even the Pasty Koop here in Appleton. That being said, I can see another couple of Orv's Beef Pasties in my future (if other options are not available, of course.)

Oct 14, 2009 - Swanson's Roasted Carved Turkey - Swanson's claims to have invented the TV Dinner back in 1954. Apparently since then, much like the Hardee's chain, they've scoffed in the face of the healthy eating movement with classic offerings such as Salisbury steak, boneless fried chicken, fried chicken strips and fried Salisbury steak w/ fried carrots. OK, I made that last one up, but I wouldn't put it past 'em. The turkey in this dish is so thin, I'm assuming it was "carved" with a deli meat slicer and the stuffing tasted about what you'd expect microwaved bread crumbs to taste like, but in the end, it wasn't all that bad. A solid B - to C+.

Oct 15, 2009 - Campbell's Select Harvest Mexican-Style Chicken Tortilla soup - The soup was good, but the commercials for these Select Harvest soups are outstanding. They basically criticize all of the artificial flavorings and chemicals that are in "other" soups. You mean "other" soups like everything else that you sell, Campbell's? It's like saying, "Good thing you're eating this, because the rest of our soups are straight up garbage, yo."

Oct 16, 2009 - Campbell's Select Harvest Savory Chicken with Vegetables soup - If I went back in time to talk to my great great great grandparents, two things would be certain: 1) My great great great grandfather would look a lot like either me or Michael J Fox. 2) They'd want me to be burned as a heretic when I told them I 'made' soup for lunch and it only took 3 1/2 minutes.

Oct 20, 2009 - Healthy Choice Sweet Asian Potstickers - Truth be told, I had no idea what a "potsticker" was when I bought this (I'm relatively certain you as the reader are looking it up on Wikipedia right now.) I'll sum this up in a haiku:

No like whole grain rice
Potstickers way too bland
Will not buy again

Oct 21, 2009 - La Preferida Spanish Rice w/ Bell Peppers & Onions - I almost wish we lived in a world without "Best if used by" dates. Then I could avoid situations in which I talk myself into taking a can of spanish rice that's about to go bad to work and calling it "lunch." Just a terrible decision by the kid. 'Preferida' is of course Spanish for 'favorite.' Based on the quality, I assume they mean 'favorite' like, "Ball St (0-7) is a four point 'favorite' at Eastern Michigan (0-6) this weekend."

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