Monday, August 30, 2004

The answer is B? That is cor-rect.

Let me share with all of you a quote that I heard this weekend (although it is not nearly as cool as "Pulaski" or "Di'ya wash all your parts?") When asked about any concerns that he may have about his 79 year old (OK, only 41 but still) quaterback Vinnie Testaverde, Cowboys head coach Bill Parcells had this to say:

"I wouldn't be worried about him if he was in an igloo... in Alaska."

So, is he not concerned then? Does Vinnie need a parka? Did anybody respond to that by saying: "Hey, coach. I know you like deliver us cute little sound bites and all, but that was the most ridiculously idiotic thing you have ever said! Ever."

Well, I spent the weekend in the lovely burg of Ingleside, IL with Grant and my host family, the Schennings. Very cool people. This was of course after getting 4 hours of sleep on Friday night after Ashley and I partook in a phenomenal dinner and the movie "Collateral" (I'd reccommend renting it.) Saturday also took me on a small detour as I forgot to print out an email with my test center address (or, as I reffered to it Friday night: The one thing I had to remember! You have one job, stupid!) It let me take 41 down instead of the easier and quicker 43. If you ever get a chance to go through Milwaukee by taking Hwy 41... don't. I made pretty good time however, rolling into Gurnee somewhere around 1pm.

We took in a little dinner later and the day. That was like the 5th time I had eaten out in the last week. Just call me sluggo. And let me just go on record as saying that it is time for Marquette to get a Buffalo Wild Wings (aka "BWW" or my personal favorite "Bee Dubs".) I believe that franchise would thrive in Marquette. We had an outstanding and apparently hung over or ill waitress there who admitted to us that: "Yeah, I probably shouldn't have come to work today." She was definately not lovin life, but her honesty was nice.

On to this morning! After a weekend of worrying and about 2000 practice questions, I did pass the Series 6 License exam in Kenosha this morning. I am now licensed to deal with mutual funds and other investment products (not including stocks.) So, yay for me anyways.

Well, that's all I've got for now.

Random Movie Quote!

ESPN Announcer: So Roy, where have you been for the last fifteen years?
Roy : Well, I uh, well, ya see, I uh... Drinking. Lotta drinking.
ESPN Announcer: I see. Well, are you still drinking?
Roy : No. I uh... I put... uh... Why, you buying?

-"Kingpin" (1996)

I'm finished.


Jaime said...

You didn't say it right. It's PULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASKI. And for the record, that is still extremely humorous to both Ashly and me.

And I think I'm going to be up way past my bed time trying to figure out what the hell Parcells was talking about.

Ash said...

Yeah, Nate. Jaime's right. You gotta put more feeling into your PULAAAAAASKI!!! Otherwise, it just doesn't sound right. Probably not as funny either, considering increased volume makes everything funnier. I'd also like to thank you for your Great Quote in American History post on my last entry. Kudos, my man. By the way, Ashley's adorable. I like her. Two very big thumbs up. See ya later.