Thursday, June 24, 2004

Pavel Podkolzine, future of the NBA.

Spent a majority of the evening watching the NBA draft. Eight high school seniors went in the first round, destined to become instant millionares with guaranteed 3 year contracts. By contrast, I've been working since I was 16 and have probably earned somewhere in the ballpark of one of these guy's eventual annual child support payments. Also, a bunch of goofy foriegn players with ridiculous names were picked. It is straight up hilarious to watch these guys get interviewed and say things like, "I am just..aahh.. hoppy that Jazz choices me...I think Utah City is...ahh... good city... ahh. Very hoppy."

Meanwhile, in Oshkosh, Brooke is currently watching Brooks and Dunn. I am Nate's extreme jelousy. She was nice enough to call me during "Can't Take the Honky Tonk Out of the Girl." Can you hear me now? Good. Oh, and I find out Kid Rock is playing at Milwaukee SummerFest tomorrow and tickets are like $30. Something I wish I knew months ago! Oh well.

My cousin Dillon just said something about the "Mr. DePere Pageant." I will leave you with that thought.

I'm finished.

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